~ traffic rants ~
i believe most car drivers in Jakarta are brainless. they do the stupidest thing on the road. it’s dangerous and pisses the fuck out of me. especially today. i screamed, yelled and pulling my hair out all the way home. there are countless examples of the stupidity, but one of them, which was my last straw, was a car sat in the middle of an intersection, right across the lane with green light, blocking everyone’s way. it’s not even his turn to go. he just decided to move, ignoring the red light, slowly crawling across the street… and eventually couldn’t move because the lane with the green light blocked his way. so then, we’re trapped in a gridlock, which took us a while to sort it out, thanks to the brainless driver.
i was up to my neck and too frustrated to stay awake. as soon as i got home, i changed my clothes and went to bed… at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. the anger gave me headache. argh!
that’s what happen in a country where you can get drivers license without passing any test by paying the *inside* people extra.
on the sidenote: yasmina nominated this journal at the Asia Blog Award under Indonesia Blog category. wow, thank you! this is the first time this site participated in any types of awards. it’s really nice to be nominated! :D
~ comment (7) ~
breath thal…breath in…breath out…do it several times. do yoga if you have to. people in jakarta should definitely practice yoga. with all the traffics, brainless drivers and rudeness, you’d better protect yourself from going crazy.
ah, you’re right. yoga is probably the best choice for people here in Jakarta. alhtough i can’t imagine the “angkot” drivers taking yoga classes… hehehe.
i feel you thal.. lagi di jakarta? kapan ketemuan lagi kita?
hey shin :) sekarang sih lagi di jakarta. tapi ntar tgl 15 gue brangkat ke singapore. baru pulang taun depan. masih disini, kan?
I understand your pain, thal =). Remember I used to drive 2 hours straight to go to the office and back home when I was working at Lativi. It was hell… Thankfully right now I have to live without that headache for more than a year now. *phew*
on the sidenote: nice! you earned that nomination ;)
aww, thanks :) yeah, maybe someday, the traffic here will get better… somehow.