~ buy me? ~
so, i caved in and am selling a small poster i did a little while ago:

the poster title is Vespa Girl ala Mucha. the girl and her scooter is copied from the girl from Furi Kuri (you know if you’ve seen the movie), the background is sorta copied from Mucha’s stuff. if you wanna see the larger version, my scrapbook has one, although it’s not much larger than the one above.
i printed more than i needed to (actually, a lot more…). i hung one at ari’s apartment. and i don’t know what to do with the rest.
so, if you want to buy one, godote.com has the details on how to purchase.
ps: i realize that the method of purchase only applies to people located in Indonesia. if you’re interested to buy and you live outside of Indonesia, just email me through the contact page. we’ll arrange something out. :)