~ seat for Singapore ~

23 June 2004

in the midst of this flying peak season (due to school holiday), i managed to get a seat in Singapore Airlines tomorrow to go back to Singapore. only two days in waiting list too! what a miracle!

so, i’m leaving Melbourne tomorrow morning. today, i have to:

  • rent a car
  • drive my mom to a mall so that she can buy a curtain rods
  • pick up my dad from the office
  • return the car
  • pack my stuff, which is scattered all over the house
  • pack all the gifts we bought over the trip to the States
  • copy all my files in my dad’s computer to a CD
  • take a shower

sorry to use this journal as a to-do-list. hehe.

~ comment (8) ~

(OT) mba, ada poto cosplay tuh, tapi cuman sebiji. aku nggak tau nih linking di pitas beres ato nggak. di devART juga ada kok.

nao-chan | 24 June 2004 - 05:49 | reply

thal, did u see the pic when you visited nyc? udah gue taro di gallery gue.

btw, are u gonna be in j-town in the first week of july? ;)

sLesTa | 24 June 2004 - 06:28 | reply

oh, blum liat. ntar ya, abis mandi. Shin, kamera gue ketinggalan di OZ, jadi poto2 yang waktu itu ngga bisa gue upload :(

oh btw, first week of July? umm, kayaknya gue masih di SG deh. elo di JKT??

thalia | 28 June 2004 - 03:21 | reply

hee… namaku jd tinggal 3 hurup *points up* eh2 mba Gackt udah mau ultah, siapin kue yuk.Lilin kuenya 454 biji.
(ini sbnrnya protes krn kaga diupdate2)

nao | 2 July 2004 - 03:17 | reply

hihihi, sori sori. keasikan main ama pundu, lupa ama online journal.

‘tau nih, mi. gue lagi males banget ngapdet. napa ya? btw, productive banget ama vektor graphicnya! keren2! gambarin gue dong… hehehe.

thalia | 2 July 2004 - 03:29 | reply

hehe alesannya jelek bgt… XD eh iya, makasii… vectorku cuman bermodalkan yang mba ajarin waktu itu (modalnya kecil ya) :D

hyde plushie bilang “salam buat pundu2”

naomi | 6 July 2004 - 06:22 | reply

err, emang gue pernah ngajarin? … lupa. :P

pundu2 bilang, “mumumu muuuu”. ‘tau deh apaan artinya. hehe.

thalia | 6 July 2004 - 03:05 | reply

pernah, sekali aja, cuman ngajarin ngetrace lage!

naomi | 8 July 2004 - 04:22 | reply