~ back in melbourne ~
my dad, my mom and i arrived in Melbourne yesterday morning… and Melbourne was sooo cold and rainy. after hanging around in a warm (or hot) places for the past month, i had trouble adjusting and keeping myself functioning inside a 8° C house. the heater wasn’t on for the past month, so it took almost a day to warm the house up. all i did was sipping hot soup and curling under the blanket.
there are so many pictures to put up and so many stories to tell. but to be honest, i’ve been bad at catching up entries. the trip to Japan that Ari, Ramanda and i went two years ago hasn’t been put up, and those has many pictures as well.
what i’m trying to say is, i’ll take my time in putting up stories and pictures. and now, i gotta take shower… warm shower. ahh… :)
~ comment (3) ~
PULANGLAH KE INDONESIA KAKAKKU TERSAYANG!!!! nao lagi liburan, n ga ada temen maen nih!! kalo ada mba kan at least kita bisa jalan2, ehehe…
hihihi, sama dong kita, ngga ada kerjaan. makanya mi, ke singapur yuk! pestering ari ;)
well, thal, at least it IS winter there… imagine 14 degree summer like here =P