~ MT 3.0 release ~

16 May 2004

there goes my high-hopes running this site on MovableType 3.0. they released the new pricing three days ago, and no matter how i look at it (for the damn three days), i cannot convince myself to buy it…

i can understand where they came from. Sixapart is a company, and they need to make money, right? especially if they want to keep developing the software at its best. besides, a free well-designed CMS like MT is too good to be true. so, yeah, basically, they have every right to charge for the new release.

now, from my end, i don’t see why i want to buy the new software, despite all the things i said in the previous paragraph. first of all, i have multiple weblogs and multiple users, which disqualify me from using the free version.

second of all, i think the price is just way too steep for my pocket. with the current MT that i ran, i happily creating weblogs and adding users wherever and whenever i want to. some of the users and weblogs are not even as active as this site, but they’re still not deletable. now all the sudden, i have to pay the things i created a while back (additional $9.95 for extra weblog and extra user). it’s like having IRS — or tax department in your country — decided to raise a tax on clothing, and will charge your for the stuff you bought starting 4 years ago. … well, maybe not that extreme… hehe.

so, i’ve been frantically search for an affordable and as powerful journalling CMS as MT. but then, i realized that i don’t need to switch. it is possible that the current MT 3.0 is way beyond what i need to run this website and other weblogs i have. i can just stay using version 2.661, until either i find another affordable CMS that suits my needs, or i can finally convince myself to buy MT 3.0.

although i wish i could use the TypeKey

~ comment (6) ~

there is a free version thal, limited use (one user and 3 weblogs) but sure, you can still use MT 3.0…

avianto | 17 May 2004 - 01:26 | reply

i have other weblog-like sites that run within avocadolite. they have multiple users. for that, i’ll stick with 2.661 for now.

so, how’s it, besides the new CMS layout? i’m drooling over the comment moderation. i soooo want it! :)

thalia | 17 May 2004 - 01:43 | reply

how about switching to WordPress.org? it is way cooler than MT… dijamin deh

caroline | 17 May 2004 - 06:51 | reply

does wordpress support multiple blogs? if it does, i might think about it. the thing is i love how flexible MT is…

thalia | 17 May 2004 - 12:41 | reply

umm… i don’t think WP support multiple blogs. maybe in the future they’ll come up with it. :)

caroline | 18 May 2004 - 06:22 | reply

aww, that’s okay, i guess i’ll stick with MT for now :) importing over a thousand of entries is going to be tiring anyway… :P

thalia | 21 May 2004 - 03:24 | reply