~ ari’s eye ~

12 May 2004

larger view (700x500)

my latest artwork. it’s a cropped ari. i wanted to learn how to use gradient mesh on illustrator CS. it was done relatively quick (around 4 hours or so). i think it was the power of loooooove. hahaha!

so, here it is… a little gift for my boy.

~ comment (10) ~

Thalia, that’s so gooddd, I love it a lot, aww, you should make it a wallpaper, it’d be really nice!! Has he seen it yet?

felisha | 12 May 2004 - 01:47 | reply

yep, i sent the artwork to him first, before i posted it here. he was happy… “ooh, you’re the first person who drew my face!”… i thought it was weird, cause this is not the first time i drew him. maybe he just forgot, or maybe i really was the first person who drew him. it was a weird statement anyway… hehe :P

thalia | 12 May 2004 - 03:26 | reply

eh gue pernah gambar ari kan?

godote | 12 May 2004 - 07:36 | reply

iya.. .dia pikun, kan? hihihi… http://www.avocadolite.com/expiration/archives/000781.shtml link dibawahnya gambar jam.

thalia | 12 May 2004 - 07:45 | reply

o wowww!!! gile loe pinter gambar yah! especially in illustrator… gue pernah cobain… susah banget!! :))

caroline | 12 May 2004 - 06:01 | reply

hehe, ngga pinter juga kok. cuman lagi kerajingan main illustrator aja ;)

thalia | 12 May 2004 - 08:20 | reply

aduh duhh…keren banget sih. gue dari dulu pengen blajar deh pake illustrator. elo dari photo dimanupulate gitukah jadi bisa kayak vector art gitu? detail banget yaks. ada buku panduan yg bagus gak yah buat belajar kayak gini thal? mo dong source2…

velas | 13 May 2004 - 04:27 | reply

bukan photo manupulation kok. emang vector art… hihihi. gambar ulang aja di illustrator. seru lagi, la :)

wah, kalo buku panduan cari dimana ya? biasanya sih, kayak ginian bisa cari di online tutorial… search di google juga dapet. kalo ngga salah, http://www.vectorized.de ada tutorial vector art deh. cobain aja dulu.

thalia | 13 May 2004 - 11:12 | reply

Very nice, love the work!
Haven’t really seen the real person but I bet it looks very much like him.

mimi | 21 May 2004 - 10:25 | reply

kenapa di belakangnya ari ada banyak kelinci?? does that mean ari loves kelinci?? dan kenapa harus kelinci? (kalo di blakangnya beruang, kan lebih mencekam)… btw aku lg blajar pake illustrator jg lhooo~~

naomi | 2 June 2004 - 03:42 | reply