~ Band meme ~
Choose a band/musician and answer the questions only in song titles by them. (some meme from Feli).
songs by Queen.
Q: Are you male or female?
A: Calling All Girls.
Q: How old are you?
A: It’s Late.
Q: Describe yourself
A: Fat-Bottomed Girl(s) (haha!) and a Killer Queen.
Q: How do some people feel about you?
A: Chinese Torture (haha!). just kidding. i hope i’m a Good Company.
Q: How do you feel about yourself?
A: I’m Going Slightly Mad.
Q: Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend
A: Another One Bites the Dust (hehehe).
Q: Describe your views on significant others and crushes
A: You’re My Best Friend, my Love of My Life.
Q: Describe what you want
A: I Want It All
Q: Describe how you live
A: Under Pressure, but Lazing on the Sunday Afternoon.
Q: Describe how you love
A: Heaven for Everyone.
Q: Share a few words of wisdom
A: Leaving Home Ain’t Easy, Don’t Try Suicide.