~ yell practice 2 ~

21 October 2003

in the evening, nao, chilli, fenny and i went to Polonia, the designated house to gather and practice. there were supposed to be 20 people in the team (i’m number 17… sitting on the top row, on the center), but for some reason, one person bailed out. oh no!

so, we ended up pulling my uncle’s neighbor, who just moved from Manado a few days ago. we laughed and laughed… he’s not even a family. he’s a neighbor of a family…. well, at least he’s from Manado. heh heh.

the practice was exhausting. the room was hot, and kept screaming and moving. whew. but now, the song is engraved to my head and i feel like my feet can move by itself.

it’s in Manadonese (is that a word?), one of the Indonesian dialect. i only understand parts of it.

oooh Minahasa tempat lahirku
sungguh bangga rasa hatiku
baku dapa di Indosiar… HEY!

Halo halo, apa kabar
dari Manado torang Famili Ngantung
rame rame jumpa lagi iko Kuis Siapa Brani Sekali

Halo tamang basudara
mari jo torang panggil Helmy Alya
baca akang tu soal, torang jawab bakurebe

torang mo tindis tu tombol merah deng biru
nyanda ruci nembole bahoba-hoba
torang mo dapa tu doi tigapulu juta
kong bapesta deng torang badonci

Lapitoria… lapitoria…
Cerewerewe bom bom!


~ comment (2) ~

LOL. kocak banget sih liriknya. gile, udah brp lama gue gak denger bhs menado… hihihi…

d | 6 November 2003 - 05:26 | reply

makanya, pulang des… hihihi. nada lagunya juga lumayan enak. katanya sih slah satu lagu setempat, cuman kata2nya aja di ganti.

thalia | 6 November 2003 - 10:36 | reply