~ Carita - Bandulu ~

02 July 2003

Carita was a lot of fun. too bad noush and i left a day early. the beach was lovely, the weather was perfect, and we can do so much there! highlight of the trip:

- noush and i caught sick once we arrived there. we both crashed and slept as we got to the beach. what a waste of first day. thank god we bounced back the next day.

- body surfing is fun fun fun! although our elbows and knees are full of scatches from the sand, it felt good. a little bit painful as we took shower.

- jetski and banana boat! yay! nao and i had a little accident on the jetski. we managed not to tip over, but nao came out with deep cut on her chin from bumping into the steering wheel. don’t ask me what exactly happened, cause things went so fast, and all i remember was having one of my left in the water and screamed at nao, “we’re going to tip over! we’re going to tip over!!!”

- hackysack. one of my uncle turned out to be really good at it, too!

- twister and galasin… (for indonesian, do you know how to spell it — galasin? gala asin? galaksin? everybody seems to have their own spellng and pronounciation of this game). playing on the sand is very exhausting.

the trip was a total workout. not only the swimming, but also all the games we played out of the water. i’m about 20 shades darker and gain about 30% more of muscles. yee-haw!

ps: wanna see photos?