~ new hair color ~
ticia and i paid a visit to a hairdresser salon. we came out happy and immediately head to Blok M Plasa to take some sticker photos. too bad my scanner doesn’t work. and webcams suck at capturing color at night, but it was a great coloring deal for 40 bucks. the lady did a good job at blowrying the hair… but of course, my hair won’t look like that tomorrow. i’m no good with hairdryer.
~ comment (11) ~
who’s lulu?
halo thal.. lucu rambutnya tuh, jadi kliatan tambah muda :).
nikahan yana mo ke bdg gak?
yan - iya dong. udah jait baju. hehehe. elo dateng?
oh. no… is that you? just kidding =)
i think your hair is kewl right now.. honest!
Fancy bob
eugh.. ntar tanya miswa dulu. ortu gue diundang sih, kayaknya jg bakal dateng. elo sampe kapan di bdg? minggu aja ketemuannya, bisa?
gue blum tau kapan balik ke jktnya lagi. tapi kayaknya sih, kalo minggu pagi bisa deh :)
I like the cut—- very cute.