~ new hair color ~

06 July 2003

ticia and i paid a visit to a hairdresser salon. we came out happy and immediately head to Blok M Plasa to take some sticker photos. too bad my scanner doesn’t work. and webcams suck at capturing color at night, but it was a great coloring deal for 40 bucks. the lady did a good job at blowrying the hair… but of course, my hair won’t look like that tomorrow. i’m no good with hairdryer.

wanna see?


~ comment (11) ~

I like the cut—- very cute.

Jandi | 7 July 2003 - 02:53 | reply

kok jadi spt lulu ya?

henbody | 7 July 2003 - 07:44 | reply

who’s lulu?

thalia | 7 July 2003 - 01:22 | reply

halo thal.. lucu rambutnya tuh, jadi kliatan tambah muda :).
nikahan yana mo ke bdg gak?

yanti | 7 July 2003 - 04:24 | reply

yan - iya dong. udah jait baju. hehehe. elo dateng?

thalia | 7 July 2003 - 09:30 | reply

oh. no… is that you? just kidding =)

i think your hair is kewl right now.. honest!

avianto | 7 July 2003 - 11:41 | reply

Fancy bob

Johnnie | 8 July 2003 - 02:36 | reply

eugh.. ntar tanya miswa dulu. ortu gue diundang sih, kayaknya jg bakal dateng. elo sampe kapan di bdg? minggu aja ketemuannya, bisa?

yanti | 8 July 2003 - 09:31 | reply

gue blum tau kapan balik ke jktnya lagi. tapi kayaknya sih, kalo minggu pagi bisa deh :)

thalia | 8 July 2003 - 02:14 | reply

Iyaa niih, imuuttt.

felisha | 8 July 2003 - 07:27 | reply

yes, very cute thalia!

paul | 9 July 2003 - 02:22 | reply