~ ari’s move ~
this morning, ari came by to pick up all of his boxes and stuff that was shipped in the same container with me from the States. our stuff filled up my garage; my car and my parents’ car had to park out in the front yard.
i thought, it would be a hige pain in the ass to move his stuff to his home. i thought, how many trips does he have to make from my house to his?
he brought a Kijang, an indonesian SUV that looks sorta like this:
surprisingly, it only took him 2 trips. that’s not much! i thought it would be 5-6 trips. it makes me realized how much junk i have.
after ari left, the people at home and i rearranged (read: piled) my stuff and managed to leave space for my parents’ car in the garage. my poor beetle still have to stay i the open.
ps: since i worked too late, i couldn’t make my santa trip today. so i guess varziel will not get her stuff till tomorrow… :(
pss: happy birthday george! for some reason, yahoo calendar sent me a reminder of your birthday… cool, eh?
~ comment (9) ~
heee, poto2nya blum diapa2in tuh… :P btw, mobil kijang itu sih bukan mobil baru… mobil bokapnya! hehe.
Kijang… tiada duanya.. I would like to propose Kijang as the National Indonesian Car.. try to count how many Kijang you found running around Jakarta and the rest of Indonesia? anyone agree with me?
FBK — Kijang ada dimana mana di Jkt…
Ka nuta — udah bagus kijang masih minta porsche and/or ferrari lagi… >;P
I am currious as to what kind of gas milage it gets? Oh god I don’t speak Indonesian
jake, i have no idea, since i dont own one. i couldn’t be wrong, but i heard it’s pretty good, since it doesn’t have a big powerful engine (at least the old one… not sure about all the new ones).
the average gas mileage for most of kijang is 1L:12km.
Ahhh Metric.. Now I will have to get out the conversion chart and convert it to MPG. I wish the US used metric
wah…punya mobil baru ni ye… (ARI)…tapi kok kijang ngga ferari atau porsche gitu…
Ehm…udda jalan2 ke melb sekarang giliran ngunjunging brisb mba! plus ari mesti ikut juga ok! aku lagi nunggu foto2 waktu mba di melb….kapan mau dimasukin???