~ backing up comp ~
i spent half of the day backing up the files on my laptop. i think i’m halfway done, and i already used my 6 hours and 7 CDRs. man, i have a lot of junks!
today, naomi and joey are spending a night at my house, since their parents had to go to Bandung due to a death of a friend. their school is 5 minutes walk from my house. i actually enjoy having people over.
oh, by the way, does anyone if singapore handphone cannot receive a call from outside of the country? i tried to call ari’s cellphone in singapore (he just got his own singaporean number, and i couldn’t go through….
~ comment (2) ~
sms sih nyampe. tapi begitu ditelpon, tulalit… anehnya, kalo nelpon ke telpon rumahan (jumlah digitnya sama) sih jalan… mungkin mrk ngga boleh nerima telpon dari luar negeri ya?
mba, kalo ngirim sms nyampe ngga? kalo nyampe abis itu coba nomor yg ada di sms itu, mungkin kalo mo telp ke singapore sel-phone ada beberapa digit di depannya harus di buang…kayak kalo mo telp ke sel-nya indo ngga pake “0” (mudah2an membantu!)