~ dead computer again. ~

15 January 2003

oh fuck! my laptop went belly up again… arghhhhh! it’s the second time within two months. so it has to go dead once a month. this is nuts! i can’t work! i keep losing files… i wanna SCREAM!!!!! *frustrated*….

maybe i have to give up on this laptop and buy a new one. a few days ago, my dad’s computer went dead too. completely dead, just like mine is. it seemed the disease is spreading fast…. i wonder why.

on a totally differnet topic, my mom, chilli and i went shopping today. i bought some stuff, including a new pair of colored contact lenses. this pair is my first colored pair. it’s amethyst, and in the picture they looked quite bright. once i out them on, they don’t look as bright as i expected. so i’m already planning to buy my second colored contact: turqoise.

this is me. the picture isn’t very clear since it’s taken using a webcam. but it’s kinda exciting that i can see different color in my eye other than black (my natural eyes are very dark, they’re almost black).


~ comment (6) ~

hehehe lutu

godote | 16 January 2003 - 08:18 | reply

Warnanya ga keliatan… biru yah? Untung masih “almost black” mine is “certainly black” ;_;

felisha | 16 January 2003 - 09:54 | reply

gileee sereemmm ameett..

ntonk | 17 January 2003 - 12:11 | reply

ijo tuh fel

godote | 17 January 2003 - 07:00 | reply

wah, mba! akhirnya aku liat juga tapi ngga terlalu jelas sih walaupun emang kliatan lebih terang dibanding mata normal-mu hehehehe…. ;)
nanti kalo da ganti warna, mesti dimunculin lagi biar kliatan perbedaannya otre! bye…..

noush' | 17 January 2003 - 07:24 | reply

kewl! u look awesome! (try the dark blue one)

L | 18 January 2003 - 12:16 | reply