~ my outlook is in a comma ~

14 August 2002

if i haven’t replied to your email, i’m very sorry. i have a pretty good reason:

my Microsoft Outlook stopped running for the past 3 days. whenever i click the icon, it opens the outlook panel thing that says it’s lisenced to me… and that’s it. it stays like that for hours and hours. if i finally press ctrl + alt + del, it tells me that something isn’t responding. this something changes time to time, and i’m clueless on how to fix it.

it happened a few times before, but usually it fixed itself, either after i defrag the computer, or revert the settings to two weeks earlier. but lately it’s been happening more often (like, once a month). it usually doesn’t last longer than 2 days, so this time it breaks the record.

on top of it, my explorer crash more regularly. if i open more than 3 windows, once in a while it just stops working. it gives me the hourglass cursor for more than 5 minutes. usually, i ran out of patient and restart the computer before it hits the 6th minute.

this means, i can’t get to my old email, i can’t access my address book, i’ve become a frustrated web-surfer and i’m having stronger and stronger urge to start fresh and buy a new laptop. while i currently can’t afford it, if the urge gets too strong, i might just run to J&R, come out with shiny new machine and starve myself for a few months.

~ comment (6) ~

its ok. we still think you’re cool.

Marc | 14 August 2002 - 10:56 | reply

I’d love to run over to my local Apple store and snatch up a shiny new ibook. However, I’d do more than starve if I did that right now. One day, though, I’ll remove these Windows’ shackles. One day, but unfortunately not today. Oh well.
What version of Windows do you have? It sounds like you might have to uninstall IE, and then reinstall it. That might also work for Outlook, but I’m not certain since I don’t use it for email.

Brooke | 15 August 2002 - 05:52 | reply

If it’s any consolation…the same thing is happening to me, except it’s Winamp that’s causing my shutdowns…or so I think?

Tek | 15 August 2002 - 09:58 | reply

I found those kinda problems thousands of times.
That’s why I only use 1 HDD for softwares, and 2 HDD for datas. So that I can re-format and re-install Windowson the C: whenever it brakes.

What about the useful data on the Outlook ?
Find *.dbx on your compie, copy all your *.dbx files to another HDD, and also back up other important files to another HDD, re-format the Hard Disk C:, it wipes everything in it, re-install Windows.. And you’ll be back refreshed..

The weakness of Windows 98, ME, and 2000 is that in several months they’ll go crazy, because of they pile up some unnecessary files.. And in sometime, the o.s will crash..

Try my suggestion, it’s a little bit scary, but it worth a try..
I know, coz I’ve been there, and done that.. and still smiling to Microsoft.. :)

Ganesha Tamzil | 16 August 2002 - 01:50 | reply

hmm, maybe i should do that… reformat & reinstall IE, Windows and Outlook. i have the same set up as Ganesh. softwares and data on different HD. ari is buying a powerbook. another option is sorta going to Brooke’s direction, which is to use his new powerbook for email, hoping that it’ll be more stable (i can’t believe i’m saying mac is more stable than pc).

thalia | 16 August 2002 - 03:09 | reply

hullo … nice colours …

deadvoid | 16 August 2002 - 05:02 | reply