~ 100 random facts of thalia ~
10 August 2002
- i don’t like peanut butter.
- i’m an avid nail-biter.
- i’m a righty.
- i have collected 3 speeding tickets and over 150 parking tickets in a year.
- and i love driving! shift stick!
- which is why i miss my little red car. it got towed away and auctioned by the New York parking authority (yeah, that 150 parking tickets backfired).
- i suck at playing pool.
- i went to three different highschool in 3 years: SMA Taruna Bakti (Bandung, Indonesia), Kolese Gonzaga (Jakarta, Indonesia) and Perkiomen School (Pennsburg, PA - US).
- i’m in love and have been for quite a while.
- my parents have an overused Karaoke machine. i was mostly the user.
- i’m short. my height is probably around 5’ or 150cm.
- i drink occasionally.
- i enjoy watching female pop stars, like Madonna, Janet Jackson and Britney Spears. not to their music, but to their presence (and the gossips, of course).
- i was born as a Muslim and still is.
- but i’m not a very religous person.
- i have a big crush on Char Aznable from Mobile Suit Gundam. mmm… Char…
- i finally admit that i’m into Japanese Pop Culture, after denying it for a few years.
- i double-majored to get double degree in college: mechanical engineering and fine art.
- i have never worked as a mechanical engineer (except for one internship). and probably never will.
- my first job after college was junior web designer. it was during the dotcom booming. i ended up working in that company for over 3 years, switching from one title to another.
- when i grow up, i’d like to be a good house-wife.
- i smoke and don’t plan to quit until i want to have babies.
- i like dentists and enjoy visits to dentists. i think i like the smell of their office.
- i had 10 piercing, although they’re lame ones (ears, belly button and tongue). i’m retiring them one by one.
- i used to change my hair color frequently. but not anymore.
- i like Wendy’s fries the best. McDonalds comes second. and i despise Burger King’s fries.
- my favorite drink is water. tea with no sugar is on the second place.
- i sleep with lights off.
- my attention span is so short, i can never finish reading books.
- but i read a lot of comics.
- i like my own smell. especially the smell of my blanket and my stuffed panda.
- i still think all Star Wars movies are one of the greatest movies of all times.
- one of my goal in life is to live in apartment in Manhattan.
- that’s also one of my goals in life that i would never achieve.
- i can draw.
- i looooove gule otak. that’s cow brain curry. yes, it’s delicious.
- i can’t tie a “tie”.
- i look younger than my age.
- i’m generally soft-spoken.
- but i can yell and curse too. it happens once in a blue moon, though.
- i know all Queen songs, and probably have all their CDs.
- and i have all the CDs of Dewa’s albums.
- but currently, i mostly listen to Cornelius, Bell & Sebastian, Stereo Total, Kahimie Karie, Takako Minekawa and Bjork.
- i’m a little bit supersticious.
- and believe in karma.
- this is for indonesians: i’m a mix of jawa/padang (dad) + manado/sunda (mom). ;)
- i have one brother, who is 5 years younger than me and 2.5 times heavier than me.
- i rarely watch TV. but when i do, i binge 5-6 hours non-stop.
- i was born in Bandung, Indonesia… Boromeus Hospital.
- according to horoscpes, i’m a Taurus. that’s where i get my stubborn-ness.
- according to chinese zodiac, i’m a Rabbit. that’s where i get to be all soft-spoken.
- i have a really dark eyes, almost black. and i love ‘em.
- i wish i could speak and read Japanese so that i can read all those comics. there are just not enough comics in language i understand.
- i prefer mountains over beaches. lake is the best, though.
- my first and middle names (thalia selena) are the same as two Latina singers. it was coincidence.
- i can use both Mac and PC. but i still prefer PC.
- my jaw clicks. and it hurts.
- but i can fit my whole fist in my mouth!
- i still sleep hugging stuffed animals.
- all my stuffed animals have names.
- and i talk to them. and they talk back to me.
- i can play a few musical instrument (piano, guitar, trumpet, saxophones, etc), but not good at any of those.
- i can sleep 15 hours straight. maybe more.
- i’m not fat. i’m not skinny. i’m just about right.
- i currently have a 8 year-old bunny named bebe.
- when i was a kid, i had 17 barbies, ken and skipper combined. then we moved out of that house leaving them burried in the pile of old toys.
- i have once fallen into the toilet with open toilet seat. yuck, never again.
- i lived in Bandung, Indonesia for 16 years.
- then in Jakarta for 1 year.
- and in Pennsylvania for 7 years.
- now in New York for 3 years… (this is the year of 2002).
- places i stayed for over 1 month and less than 3 months: Holland, outskirt of Birmingham (UK) and Maryland (US).
- i wear contact lens.
- i don’t have any tattoo.
- but i want one (or two… or three). i just haven’t been able to decide what to get in the past 7 years.
- i generally don’t like vegetables. if i could avoid ‘em, i would.
- i’m a total meat eater. but i prefer chicken compare to red meat.
- after denying it for 26 years, i realized that i’m terrified of cockroaches.
- and silverfish. they makes me shiver, then scream, then run with funny pointy steps. in that order.
- oh, i’m female!
- and i’m NOT a feminist.
- i’m quite bossy.
- i sleep on my side, hugging a pillow or guling.
- i could touch the tip of my nose with my tongue. but after i pierced my tongue, it got a bit harder to do.
- i speak Indonesian and English. and Sundanese, if that counts.
- my first summer job was snapping keyboards letter butttons on to the keyboards from 9 to 5.
- i could do 100 pushups and situps when i was in junior high.
- now i can’t even do 10. dammit.
- i once sit less than 10 feet from Björk in a restaurant. i am still upset at myself for not doing anything about that.
- i wish i have travelled more.
- i’m not a morning person. although i wish i was.
- i drink a lot when i eat. i like to reset my tastebud back to zero for each bite so i can fully taste the meal.
- i don’t like washing dishes.
- but i don’t mind cleaning bathroom.
- i like bitter tea. no sugar please.
- but when it comes to coffee, i’d like it with 5 spoonful of sugar and milk.
- i don’t drink soda.
- i have never broken any bones (on me). hopefully it’ll stay that way.
- i’m terrified of public speaking. mainly because i’m not comfortable in sharing my thoughts to a big group of people.
- but having publicly opened online journal is ok.
…pfft, that was long!
August archives
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