~ work for bro? ~

29 July 2002

a few days ago, my brother called me from Jakarta. he’s on vacation — damn those college kids, they have so many days off. he called to congratulate me on my promotion at work, but we ended up talking for hours on my cellphone. i remember thinking that i might have a scar from the heat radiating from my cellphone.

anyways, he has nothing to do there. his girlfriend is busy with school and she had to go out of town for weeks to do her school stuff (KP?). my parents are hardly there cause they had to stay in Australia to keep their permanent resident. so he called me to ask for suggestions on what to do.

i don’t know. the last time it happened to me, i ended up working at Jakarta Post as a freelance writer (yeah, writer!) for their Features section. it didn’t have anything to do with my study, which was mechanical engineering. but it sure was fun! i got to interview some jewelry designer from Paris, having gala dinner with some models, spent a whole day or two watching skydiving competitions… if i actually have slight talent as a writer, i don’t mind doing that for living.

anyways, back to Ramanda, he goes to school for 2D animation and sequential art (read: comics). and i’m not knowledgable enough to give him suggestions on what to do in that area, especially in Indonesia. does anyone know any place in Jakarta where he can work part-time in that industry? if you do, could you please let me know? cause his current choices are that or continue constructing and painting little Gundam models that he collects.

linkydink: lola from x-machine has a new layout. but more to that, take a look at her work; they are amazing.

~ comment (7) ~

kapan pulang ke indonesia ?

mikey | 29 July 2002 - 10:11 | reply

ngga tau nih, urusan visa susah, mike. blum ada rencana pulang. makanya ngiri :P

thalia | 30 July 2002 - 12:21 | reply

for ramanda.
Red Rocket Animation — > animation studio

godote | 30 July 2002 - 03:21 | reply

try to ask him to join with animatorforum workshop, and start networking…:)

ntonk | 30 July 2002 - 06:57 | reply

yay, thanks dote + bak.

thalia | 30 July 2002 - 06:42 | reply

Thalia - major thanks. You & Ari’ve held my respect for a real long time..

Lola | 31 July 2002 - 12:19 | reply

my pleasure, Lola. same goes to you :)

thalia | 31 July 2002 - 10:03 | reply