~ at jakarta ~

29 June 2000

wow… 4 days with no updates whatsoever. cool!

i’m at home right now. home as the place where my parents are… Jakarta. surprisingly, it’s not as hot and humid as it is currently in NYC, even though Indonesia is right where the equator is.

i’m still suffereing from jet lag. i’m sleepy in the afternoon. but it’s all good. i met my family and relatives who i haven’t seen for at least 2 years. some of them i haven’t seen for 8 years. so, of course i’m happy.

later: oh yeah, i cut my hair too! i took a picture, but the computer here doesn’t have any ftp client. and i’m too lazy to use DOS or telnet to do that. so, i’ll post it up after i download the ftp client. 56K modem in Indonesia is slower than 14.4K modem in US….

okay, i just downloaded the right fonts, the template, and the FTP client from Cnet. so, this is me with my new hair. i dunno why my dad’s cam makes my hair looks gray. IT’S NOT GRAY! it’s blue! BLUE! i think the cam is being funny….