~ homey ~

28 April 2002

it was a restful weekend. saturday was a house cleaning session. yes, cleaning is exhausting. but there is something wonderfully different between house-cleaning exhaustion and staring-at-computer-too-long exhaustion.

on sunday, i bought all kind of furnitures from IKEA. by May 16th, i will have a new clothing cabinet, 4 new chairs, a new sofa cover and 2 new large bookcases. i can’t wait. i got so many chlothes, they no longer fit in the current cabinet. they are stacked on top of the small cabinet, on the side of the sofa… they’re everywhere!

oh, we also bought and watched Metropolis. beautiful scenes and amazing architectural details. too bad that the storyline wasn’t as impressive as i expected it to be. other than that, if you like good animation, this is a great movie.