~ new hair + digital palm reader ~
so, here is how i look now, with too much exposure:
link-wise, take a look at the new kiiroi. bright! and if you’re a weblog junkie, don’t forget to go vote for your favorite weblogs at 2001 Weblog Awards.
so, yahoo read my palm. here is what it says:
You are intelligent and practical, very likely to have a good memory and the ability to make and follow plans. Leadership skills are among your useful traits.
The general flexibility of your character is a useful attribute. At certain times in your life, you may have romantic conflicts and difficulty maintaining friendships. You will overcome these problems after a little introspection.
There may be times in your life when you give in to feelings of sadness or depression.
At certain times in your life, you may have romantic conflicts and difficulty maintaining friendships. These problems are not likely to last long.
You may suffer from low energy, allergies, or some kind of chronic health problem.
A major illness or setback is predicted near mid-life. You have the ability to recover from this.
maybe i should stop smoking… anyways, i just found out that jake is back with his orange-obsession, surfstation has a new look (it’s a book, isn’t it?).
Oh how asian/mod/2001 sheek!