~ beware: virus ~
12 February 2001
i got sent email with virus attachment on my werk email. it’s been 5 minutes and there is already about 200 new emails with the same title sent by different people. so, if you read this, do not open email entitled Here you have, ;o)… that vbs file certainly is a virus. just like the usual virus, it forwards itself to everyone on yer address book.
Chris is still fiddling with it… curious on what it does. for your computer sake, maybe it’s better NOT to open any email attachment with .vbs extension. it usually contains virus.
February archives
| grouped under gadgets
| 98 words
from my work’s internal site:
Emergency Notice
Message from I.T.:
Remember the “I LOVE YOU” virus!! As we all know, Valentines Day is Wednesday, Feb 14th. Many of you may be receiving legitimate “I love you” e-mails from your loved ones, however, please refrain from opening any .exe or .vbs files that are attachments to your e-mails. Thank you.
Delete ALL e-mails with subject lines similar to “Here you go” “Here you have” or “Here you are” AND/OR any attachments similar to ANNAKOURNIKOVA.JPEG.VBS . If you have been infected with this virus, please log case with the I.T. HelpDesk.