~ tummy ache ~

22 February 2001

i don’t know what’s wrong with my stomach lately. sometimes, it hurts for no reason and it’s been happening for the past two to three weeks. i eat right and on time. i don’t starve myself. as a matter of fact, i eat more than ari in many occasions. maybe i should blame “stress” for the tummy ache.

anyways, i have a new addiction: Habbo Hotel — create yourself, walk around the hotel, bond with some people… you can even sleep with them, if you want to.

linkydink: www.artificialinfluence.com — very cool… smooth movement. it has flying teddy bears, planetburgers and it’s wireframe version… ah, you just have to see it.

vectorkid.com — photorealism in flash! who would think that anyone would do something like that. the tomatos look yummy…

~ comment (3) ~

keliatannya ‘tu hotel asyik juga, tapi kok setiap gue coba, slalu disconnect, yah? *sniff*

btw, thal.. smoga udah nggak sakit perut lagi sekarang :)

wio | 24 February 2001 - 11:56 | reply

heh, emang disconnect mulu tuh. filenya gedeeee banget, jadi gue juga ngga pernah maen di rumah (modem). maennya di kantor, soalnya kan connectionnya pake T1.

tentang sakit perut, masih tuh… kenapa ya? jangan2 maag gue kambuh… =(

thalia | 25 February 2001 - 01:11 | reply

baru maen bentar aja sih… tapi kayanya asik juga kalo lagi kerja di skul!

btw, i’m quite an admirer of your sites… avocado, for the design, and expiration, for cool links like this habbo hotel.

iskandar | 27 February 2001 - 05:26 | reply