~ bandwidth shortage ~
09 March 2001
ouch, it looks like one by one, those famous sites are starting to fall into the same problem: eating too much bandwidth. starting with kaliber 10000, then linkdup, now designgraphik and nosepilot. i guess, being famous has drawbacks (and costly too — $16,000! ick!).
later on: oh, just found out from core’s site, that burntgraphix is having the same problem
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~ comment (3) ~
thanx for a correction.. ^_^
hope you’re still have enough budget for your lovely site…In case sometimes yours become bandwidth eater..(or its already big bandwidth consumer?) well, keep on alive n’ kickin’ Sis…
no problem, bro =) *kickin’*
thalia | 12 March 2001 - 06:17
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this is one of those times that i’m happy to get only 10 hits a day =)