~ linkydink ~

18 October 2001

check it out: XL5.

later that nite: one more link, this one is from a fellow indonesian, bo3y.

cia reminded me that i should post more here. yeah, i guess it’s been a slow month for this little site. i’m sorry. so, for an update, ari and i (well, mostly ari, again) have been working on a gaming/arcade section for avocadolite. there will only be 2 games and they are very close to finish. so, that’s something that i look forward to get it up. a much better things to think about and get my mind off all these bombing, anthrax scare and rude people in subways…

~ comment (3) ~

gilaa pasti serem banget yah di US, banyak ancaman terror dimana-mana, apalagi Anthrax, gua doain deh, mudah-mudahan terrosim punah…

ntonk | 19 October 2001 - 06:06 | reply

setujuuuu. tapi, terus terang, kayaknya masih sereman di indo, deh. elo balik ke indo apa tetep tinggal di oz?

thalia | 19 October 2001 - 01:20 | reply

sipp..sipp..kayaknya di oz 2 tahunan lagi. lagi cari kerjaan nih.

ntonk | 20 October 2001 - 02:28 | reply