~ banjir bandang ~

31 January 2002

banjir bandang. a big bad flood in Indonesia caused by days of territorial rain. they said it happens every six years. it doesn’t look good either this year. there are already 11 people dead back where i lived :(

my mom said the school where my brother went is closed cause the water level was so high (desks underwater?). so, many of my cousins are now having some kind of holidays…. except they can’t go anywhere anyway, since most of the roads are blocked by water.

hopefully, ari’s home in Jakarta is fine. his parents live in a flood-prone area….

~ comment (4) ~

wahh iyee buanjirrr nasionall, emang di Newyork gak pernah banjir yahh ..hi hi :)

ntonk | 1 February 2002 - 11:02 | reply

hehe tau kan mba kalo udah kayak gini, sekolahku banjir, libur 1 minggu loh.. ;) lantai 1 udah kelelep semua, hehe.. trus hari ini akhirnya sekolah juga, tapi ngungsi di sd tarq barito.. sekolah siang lagi, hehe.. viva tq-01 petang!! tadinya ada gosip anak tq mo ngungsi ke pl mba, udah ditungguin sama anak pl.. tadinya kalo jadi hari ini katanya mereka mo mandi semua ke sekolah, sama bawa gel, hehe.. tapi ga jadi tuh! hihi..

wanda | 4 February 2002 - 11:45 | reply

hahaha… kocak! yah, sekali2 pl wangi…

thalia | 4 February 2002 - 06:29 | reply

Yeah, my stepsisters back in Jakarta are homebound too. How did it get that way? 3 metres of water! Crazy!

StyraFoam | 6 February 2002 - 12:51 | reply